Kubernetes Helm Chart

The IM service and web interface can be installed on top of Kubernetes using Helm.

How to install the IM chart:

First add the GRyCAP repo:

$ helm repo add grycap https://grycap.github.io/helm-charts/

Then install the IM chart (with Helm v3):

$ helm install --namespace=im --create-namespace im  grycap/IM

All the information about this chart is available at the IM chart README.


IM reads the configuration from $IM_PATH/etc/im.cfg, and if it is not available, does from /etc/im/im.cfg. There is a template of im.cfg at the directory etc on the tarball. The IM reads the values of the im section. The options are explained next.

Basic Options


Full path to the data file. (Removed in version IM version 1.5.0. Use only DATA_DB.) The default value is /etc/im/inf.dat.


The URL to access the database to store the IM data. It can be a MySQL DB: ‘mysql://username:password@server/db_name’, SQLite: ‘sqlite:///etc/im/inf.dat’ or MongoDB: ‘mongodb://username:password@server/db_name’, The default value is sqlite:///etc/im/inf.dat.


Full path to the IM user DB json file. To restrict the users that can access the IM service. Comment it or set a blank value to disable user check. The default value is empty. JSON format of the file:

        "users": [
                        "username": "user1",
                        "password": "pass1"
                        "username": "user2",
                        "password": "pass2"

Maximum number of simultaneous VM launch operations. In some versions of python (prior to 2.7.5 or 3.3.2) it can raise an error (‘Thread’ object has no attribute ‘_children’). See https://bugs.python.org/issue10015. In this case set this value to 1

The default value is 1.


Number of attempts to launch a virtual machine before considering it an error. The default value is 3.


Maximum frequency to update the VM info (in secs) The default value is 10.


Maximum time that a VM status maintains the current status in case of connection failure with the Cloud provider (in secs). If the time is over this value the status is set to ‘unknown’. This value must be always higher than VM_INFO_UPDATE_FREQUENCY. The default value is 120.


Timeout in seconds to get a virtual machine in running state. The default value is 1800.


(New in version IM version 1.5.1.) Timeout in seconds to wait a virtual machine to get the SSH access active once it is in running state. The default value is 300.


Full path to the log file. The default value is /var/log/im/inf.log.


Maximum size in KiB of the log file before being rotated. The default value is 10485760.


This flag set the IM boot mode. It can be: 0 (Normal) standard IM operation, 1 (ReadOnly) only read operations are allowed, 2 (ReadDelete) only read and delete operations are allowed. The default value is 0.

Default Virtual Machine Options


Default principal memory assigned to a virtual machine. The default value is 512.


Unit used in DEFAULT_VM_MEMORY. Allowed values: K (KiB), M (MiB) and G (GiB). The default value is M.


Default number of CPUs assigned to a virtual machine. The default value is 1.


Default CPU architecture assigned to a virtual machine. Allowed values: i386 and x86_64. The default value is x86_64.


Default name of virtual machines. The default value is vnode-#N#.


Default domain assigned to a virtual machine. The default value is localdomain.


Verify SSL hosts in CloudConnectors connections If you set it to True you must assure the CA certificates are installed correctly The default value is False.



Maximum time in seconds spent on contextualize a virtual machine before throwing an error. The default value is 7200.


Directory to copy all the ansible related files used in the contextualization. The default value is /tmp/.im.


Number of retries of the Ansible playbooks in case of failure. The default value is 1.


Interval to update the state of the contextualization process in the VMs (in secs). Reducing this time the load of the IM service will decrease in contextualization steps, but may introduce some overhead time. The default value is 5.


Interval to update the state of the processes of the ConfManager (in secs). Reducing this time the load of the IM service will decrease in contextualization steps, but may introduce some overhead time. The default value is 5.


Interval to update the log output of the contextualization process in the VMs (in secs). The default value is 20.


Number of VMs in an infrastructure that will use the distributed version of the Ctxt Agent The default value is 30.



Port number where IM XML-RPC API is available. The default value is 8899.


IP address where IM XML-RPC API is available. The default value is (all the IPs).


If True the XML-RPC API is secured with SSL certificates. The default value is False.


Full path to the private key associated to the SSL certificate to access the XML-RPC API. The default value is /etc/im/pki/server-key.pem.


Full path to the public key associated to the SSL certificate to access the XML-RPC API. The default value is /etc/im/pki/server-cert.pem.


Full path to the SSL Certification Authorities (CA) certificate. The default value is /etc/im/pki/ca-chain.pem.


Return the VM information of function GetVMInfo in RADL JSON instead of plain RADL (Added in IM version 1.5.2) The default value is False.



If True the REST API is activated. The default value is False.


Port number where REST API is available. The default value is 8800.


IP address where REST API is available. The default value is (all the IPs).


If True the REST API is secured with SSL certificates. The default value is False.


Full path to the private key associated to the SSL certificate to access the REST API. The default value is /etc/im/pki/server-key.pem.


Full path to the public key associated to the SSL certificate to access the REST API. The default value is /etc/im/pki/server-cert.pem.


Full path to the SSL Certification Authorities (CA) certificate. The default value is /etc/im/pki/ca-chain.pem.



List of OIDC issuers supported. It must be a coma separated string of OIDC issuers URLs. The default value is ''.


If set the IM will check that the string defined here appear in the “aud” claim of the OpenID access token The default value is ''.


OIDC client ID of the IM service. Only needed in case of setting OIDC_SCOPES. The default value is ''.


OIDC secret of the IM service. Only needed in case of setting OIDC_SCOPES. The default value is ''.


List of scopes that must appear in the token request to access the IM service. Client ID and Secret must be provided to make it work. The default value is ''.


List of OIDC groups supported. It must be a coma separated string of group names. (see the AARC guidelines for group names). The default value is ''.


If True the IM will force the users to pass a valid OIDC token. The default value is False.



List of networks assumed as private. The IM use it to distinguish private from public networks. IM considers IPs not in these subnets as Public IPs. It must be a coma separated string of the network definitions (using CIDR) (without spaces). The default value is ',,,,,,'.



Time (in seconds) the IM service will maintain the information of an infrastructure in memory. Only used in case of IM in HA mode. This value has to be set to a similar value set in the expire value in the stick-table in the HAProxy configuration.

OpenNebula connector Options

The configuration values under the OpenNebula section:


Text to add to the CONTEXT section of the ONE template (except SSH_PUBLIC_KEY) The default value is ''.


Text to add to the ONE Template different to NAME, CPU, VCPU, MEMORY, OS, DISK and CONTEXT The default value is GRAPHICS = [type="vnc",listen=""].

Logging Configuration

IM uses Python logging library (see the documentation). You have two options to configure it: use the configuration variables at the IM configuration file or use the file /etc/im/logging.conf.

The configuration variables are the following:


Set the level of the log messages: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL The default value is 'INFO'.


Set the destination file of the log messages. The default value is '/var/log/im/im.log'.


Set the maximum file size of the log file. It will be rotated when size exceed this size, with a default depth of 3 files. The default value is '10485760'.

If you need to specify more advanced details of the logging configuration you have to use the file /etc/im/logging.conf. For example to set a syslogd server as the destination of the log messages:

args=(('<syslog_ip>', 514),)
format=%(asctime)s - %(hostname)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s

Vault Configuration

From version 1.10.7 the IM service supports reading authorization data from a Vault server. These values are used by the REST API enabling to use Bearer authentication header and get the all the credential values from the configured Vault server.


URL to the Vault server API. The default value is ''.


Configured path of the KV (ver 1) secret. This field has one special substitution value: #USER_SUB# that is replaced by the user ID obtained from the OpenID token provided. The default value is vault_entity_id.


Configured mount point of the KV (ver 1) secret. The default value is 'credentials/'.


Configured role with the correct permissions to read the credentials secret store. There is no default value, so the default value configured in the JWT authentication method will be used.

Vault server must configured with the JWT authentication method enabled, setting you OIDC issuer, e.g. using the EGI Checkin issuer, and setting im as the default role:

vault write auth/jwt/config \
   oidc_discovery_url="https://aai.egi.eu/oidc/" \

A KV (v1) secret store must be enabled setting the desired path. In this example the default vaule credentials is used:

vault secrets enable -version=1 -path=credentials kv

Also a policy must be created to enable the users to manage only their own credentials:

vault policy write manage-imcreds - <<EOF
path "credentials/{{identity.entity.id}}" {
capabilities = [ "create", "read", "update", "delete", "list" ]

And finally the im role to assign the policy to the JWT users:

vault write auth/jwt/role/im - <<EOF
"role_type": "jwt",
"policies": ["manage-imcreds"],
"token_explicit_max_ttl": 60,
"user_claim": "sub",
"bound_claims": {
   "sub": "*"
"bound_claims_type": "glob"

These set of commands are only an example of how to configure the Vault server to be accesed by the IM. Read Vault documentation for more details.

The authentication data must be stored using one item per line in the Authorization File, setting as key value the id of the item and all the auth line (in JSON format) as the value, e.g. An auth line like that:

id = one; type = OpenNebula; host = oneserver:2633; username = user; password = pass

Must be stored in the vault KV secrect, setting one as key and this content as value:

{"id": "one", "type": "OpenNebula", "host": "oneserver:2633", "username": "user", "password": "pass"}

In all the auth lines where an access token is needed it must not be set and the IM will replace it with then access token used to authenticate with the IM itself.

Virtual Machine Tags

Name of the tags that IM will add in the VMs with username, infrastructure ID, URL of the IM service, and IM name comment or leave empty not to set them


Name of the tag to set the IM username as tag in the IM created VMs.


Name of the tag to set the IM infrastructure ID as tag in the IM created VMs.


Name of the tag to set the IM URL as tag in the IM created VMs.


Name of the tag to set the IM string ('es.grycap.upv.im'`) as tag in the IM created VMs.

IM in high availability mode

From version 1.5.0 the IM service can be launched in high availability (HA) mode using a set of IM instances behind a HAProxy load balancer. Currently only the REST API can be used in HA mode. It is a experimental issue currently it is not intended to be used in a production installation.

This is an example of the HAProxy configuration file:

    tune.bufsize 131072
    timeout connect 600s
    timeout client 600s
    timeout server 600s

    frontend http-frontend
        mode http
        bind *:8800
        default_backend imbackend

    backend imbackend
        mode http
        balance roundrobin
        option httpchk GET /version
        stick-table type string len 32 size 30k expire 60m
        stick store-response hdr(InfID)
        acl inf_id path -m beg /infrastructures/
        stick on path,field(3,/) if inf_id

    server im-8801 check
    server im-8802 check

See more details of HAProxy configuration at HAProxy Documentation.

Also the INF_CACHE_TIME variable of the IM config file must be set to a time in seconds lower or equal to the time set in the stick-table expire value (in the example 60m). So for this example INF_CACHE_TIME must be set to less than or equals to 3600.

Purgue IM DB

The IM service does not remove deleted infrastructures from DB for provenance purposes. In case that you want to remove old deleted infrastructures from the DB to reduce its size you can use the delete_old_infs script. It will delete from DB all the infrastructures created before a specified date:

python delete_old_infs.py <date>

Add new Cloud Connectors

To add a new Cloud Connector you have to create a new Python file in the directory IM/connectors/ of the IM source code. The file must have a class with the same name as the file that inherits from the CloudConnector class. This class must implement all the abstract methods of the CloudConnector class. The new connector must implement at least the following methods:

  • concrete_system: Return a list of compatible systems with the cloud provider.

  • updateVMInfo: Updates the information of a VM.

  • launch: Launch a set of VMs to the Cloud provider.

  • finalize: Terminates a VM and all the associated resources.

To have full support you have to implement the following methods:

  • alterVM: Modifies/resizes the features of a VM.

  • start: Starts a (previously stopped) VM.

  • stop: Stops (but not finalizes) a VM.

  • reboot: Reboots a VM.

  • list_images: Get a list of images on the cloud provider using IM URI format.

  • get_quotas: Get the number of used and available resources in the cloud provider

The new connector must be added to the __all__ variable in __init__.py file of the IM/connectors/

Cloud Providers Configuration

The IM tries to select the most appropriate resources to launch the VMs. But sometimes it may select the wrong resources. To avoid this situation you can set some tags in the cloud provider configuration to help the IM to select the correct resources.


In case that there are more that one private or public network in the OpenStack cloud provider to enable the IM to select the correct network to launch the VMs you can set a default tag in the network that you want to use as the default network. The IM will use this network to launch the VMs if the network is not specified in the RADL file (from version 1.17.0).

The IM expects as default network configuration having one or more private networks and one or more floating IP networks. The private networks are used to launch the VMs and the floating IP networks are used to assign a public IP to the VMs. The IM will use the first private network found as the default network to launch the VMs and the first floating IP network found as the default network to assign the public IP to the VMs.

In case that your site does not have this configuration and it does not uses floating IPs, the IM by default will avoid to attach two NICs to the VMs. So the VMs will have only one NIC attached to either to the public or private network. To enable the IM to attach two NICs to the VMs you have to set a tag enable_two_nics to some of the networks of the site. In this case the IM will attach two NICs to the VMs, one to the private network and the other to the public network, if it is required by the RADL file (from version 1.18.0).


Similar to OpenStack, in case that there are more that one private or public network in the OpenNebula cloud provider to enable the IM to select the correct network to launch the VMs you can set a DEFAULT attribute in the network definition in the OpenNebula template. The IM will use this network to launch the VMs if the network is not specified (from version 1.18.0).