Quick Start
UPV already offers production-ready IM server endpoints. Therefore there is no need for end users to deploy the IM server. But if you need it, please read the manual with the instructions to launch the IM service.
Instead, consider using the IM Dashboard, for easier deployment of virtual infrastructures (you need an EGI Checkin OIDC account.) or the IM Command-line Interface (CLI), for a fully-featured functionality (no registration needed).
IM Client tool
In these examples we will use the IM-client tool to create, manage and finally destroy a single VM. You only have to call the install command of the pip tool with the IM-client package:
$ pip install IM-client
See full reference in IM client manual page.
Authentication file
To access the IM service an authentication file must be created. It must have one line per authentication element. It must have at least one line with the authentication data for the IM service and another one for each Cloud provider the user wants to access. In case of InfrastructureManager credentials you can use any user/password pair as the service is free to use by default).
An example to access an OpenNebula and/or an OpenStack site:
id = im; type = InfrastructureManager; username = user; password = pass # mandatory
id = one; type = OpenNebula; host = osenserver:2633; username = user; password = pass
id = ost; type = OpenStack; host = https://ostserver:5000; username = user; password = pass; tenant = tenant
See all the options of the auth file described in section Authorization File.
RADL basic example
The user must describe in an input file the cloud topology. It can be done in the IM native language (RADL) or the TOSCA standard. In this first example we will show how to launch a single VM using RADL:
network net (outbound = 'yes')
system node (
cpu.count >= 2 and
memory.size >= 2G and
net_interface.0.connection = 'net' and
disk.0.image.url = 'one://osenserver/image-id'
deploy node 1
In this RADL the user is requesting 1 VM with at least 2 CPUs and 2 GB of RAM connected with a public IP. Finally the user must specify the image used to boot the VM with the field disk.0.image.url. In this URL the user must specify an existing image on the Cloud provider where VM will be launched. O.S. image URLs for different Cloud providers:
one://<server>:<port>/<image-id>, for OpenNebula;
ost://<server>/<ami-id>, for OpenStack or EGI;
aws://<region>/<ami-id>, for Amazon Web Service;
gce://<region>/<image-id>, for Google Cloud;
azr://<publisher>/<offer>/<sku>/<version>, for Microsoft Azure; and
appdb://<site_name>/<apc_name>?<vo_name>, for EGI or OpenStack connector using AppDB info.
docker://<docker_image>, for Docker images.
fbw://<fns_server>/<image-id>, for FogBow images.
lin://linode/<image-id>, for Linode images.
ora://<region>/<image-id>, for Orange Flexible Engine images.
- See full information about RADL language at RADL section
More RADL examples are available at the IM GitHub repo examples folder.
TOSCA basic example
In case you want to use a TOSCA file to define a similar example to the previous RADL one, the file will look like this:
tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0
- indigo_custom_types: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/indigo-dc/tosca-types/master/custom_types.yaml
type: tosca.nodes.indigo.Compute
network_name: PUBLIC
num_cpus: 2
mem_size: 2 GB
image: one://someserver.com/123
value: { get_attribute: [ simple_node, public_address, 0 ] }
value: { get_attribute: [ simple_node, endpoint, credential, 0 ] }
For more information about TOSCA see the TOSCA section.
Basic IM Client usage
Now that we have the authentication file and the RADL/TOSCA input file we can create our first infrastructure using the IM client:
$ im_client.py -a auth.dat create input_file
By default this command expects the IM server to be hosted on the localhost machine. If the server is located at other host you must specify the -r parameters to set the URL of the REST API:
$ im_client.py -a auth.dat create input_file -r https://im.egi.eu/im
To avoid putting this parameters on all the IM Client calls, create/edit the im_client.cfg file with the default options to use (see all the options at the IM client manual page). Create a file named im_client.cfg in the current directory with the following contents:
From now on, you can omit the -a
and -r
parameters since they are read from this config file.
In this moment the IM client will contact the IM service to start the creation of the infrastructure. It will require some time depending on the number of VMs or the Cloud provider. Finally when all the VMs are created it will return a message like the following:
Connected with: https://im.egi.eu/im
Infrastructure successfully created with ID: 573c4b0a-67d9-11e8-b75f-0a580af401da
In case of error in the creation of all the VMs it will return an error message describing the errors raised. If only some of them fails it will return the ID and the user must check the status of the VMs and take the corresponding decisions. To get the state of the infrastructure, call the getstate option of the client:
$ im_client.py getstate 573c4b0a-67d9-11e8-b75f-0a580af401da
The infrastructure is in state: running
VM ID: 0 is in state: running.
You will have to wait until your infrastructure is in the configured state. In the meanwhile you can get the output of the contextualization process to follow the status:
$ im_client.py getcontmsg 573c4b0a-67d9-11e8-b75f-0a580af401da
Msg Contextualizator:
2018-05-02 14:20:31.816193: Select master VM
2018-05-02 14:20:31.819775: Wait master VM to boot
This message will show all the steps made by the IM to fully configure the VM including the outputs of all Ansible processes. Then you can access via SSH to the created VM with the command:
$ im_client.py ssh 573c4b0a-67d9-11e8-b75f-0a580af401da
And enjoy you customized VM!!
Finally to destroy the infrastructure and all related resources call the destroy operation:
$ im_client.py destroy 573c4b0a-67d9-11e8-b75f-0a580af401da
Connected with: http://locahost:8899
Infrastructure successfully destroyed
IM Video Demos
There is an Infrastructure Manager YouTube reproduction list with a set of videos with demos of the functionality of the platform: see section: IM Videos.